Resolving Conflicts after Google Apps Account Migration
Monday, August 8, 2011 | 10:35 AM
Labels: DoubleClick for Publishers API Blog
Recently, we have migrated the Google Apps accounts to a new infrastructure that includes all Personal Google accounts. This has introduced a conflict for API users who have the same email address for both types of accounts. As a result, you will not be able to generate a ClientLogin token and will be presented with an AuthenticationError.NO_NETWORKS_TO_ACCESS in the SOAP response. You can also verify whether your account in conflict by making a request directly to the Client Login API.
Before the migration, it was possible to have a Google Apps account with your domain ( and a Personal Google account for DFP, Picasa, Reader, etc. with the same email address. With the new infrastructure, both types of accounts are in one unified system so when you try to generate a ClientLogin token with, we do not know which account you are trying to use. More details about conflicting accounts can be found at the Google Accounts Help Article.
To differentiate between your conflicting accounts, we have created a temporary account ( for you to temporarily hold your data. You can log into with your gtempaccount and use the wizard to resolve your conflicts. A full walkthrough on the data migration wizard can be found at the Data Migration Getting Started Guide.
Jeffrey Sham, DFP API Team